Nail fungus can greatly worsen the quality of life of a person. The disease causes severe itching, tingling sensation, interested in the place and also the loss of the nail. For this, the nail fungus of the feet (the hands) should be applied immediately after the detection of a problem. So it can be better achieved and an effective treatment.

Making the right choice is not always easy. Many, who dealt with the fungus for the first time, show the negligence and they use it as therapy, just well-tested folk remedies.
Important: For the treatment of nail fungus it is necessary to go to a clinic. The doctor, the student the treatment of fungal disease, called a mycologist. In the absence of such a specialist it is possible to consult a dermatologist.
Truly effective remedy against the nail fungus can assign only one doctor. So the probability to get rid of problems increases greatly. However, there are a number of tools that guarantee the elimination of nail fungus in as short a time as possible. It is not only drugs, but also of the means of folk medicine.
Drugs from mushroom of the nail
Drugs used as the most effective means by fungus. Composition of drugs includes the optimal number of compounds that act on the pathogen deadly. Also, it is best to seek professional help from medical facilities, which is guaranteed to help you and not make you evil.
Funds from mushrooms have different dosage forms. Among these:
- Spray.
- The cream.
- The gel.
- Solution.
The main active component of many funds — terbinafine. The substance accumulates in the tissues and prevents the re-emergence of the fungus.
Drugs it is not possible to use the lactating and pregnant women and children up to 2 years and the people who suffer from high susceptibility to particular components tools. Apply the tool that is required for the pre-washed and dried the nail plate. Usually, after 3-5 weeks, the nail plate stops flaking, and takes on a healthy appearance and structure. The presence of numerous variants of funds from mushrooms you can use in the most effective way at any stage fungal defeat. All of these forms of drugs designed for external use. However, in a variety of dosage forms there are disadvantages. Then, apply the product by yourself, without the appointment of a doctor is not sure. In addition, the application is not the dosage form can simply not give the desired effect, and the treatment must continue. In the initial stages of the injury, fungal nail, the more often it is assigned an ointment. And the pill is used in combination with one of the local dosage forms of drugs in more advanced cases of the disease. Carefully prescribed to patients suffering from alcoholism, liver disease and kidney disease, and also allergic reactions. That is why, before starting the therapy, it is best to consult a dermatologist and get advice.

Before applying funds to the nail and the skin, and their value thoroughly wash and dry. Often the treatment is from 2 to 4 months. Depends on the severity of the disease and the duration of the regrowth of the nail.
Top best folk remedies from nail fungus
The initial stages of development of fungal infections failures do not always require the use of drugs. Sometimes dealing with them and with the help, proven, popular funds. Similar treatment methods are considered safe for human health. In parallel we demonstrate clearly visible the effect of the treatment, of course, provided the correct application.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is a powerful natural antiseptic that is able to fight with fungal pathogens. The most effective way to use a natural oil, as it has great anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. With regard to the cosmetic oil (40%), is, in reality, it has no impact. By applying similar economic, just spend precious time, allowing you to spread the disease even stronger.
Treatment of tea tree oil is the following:
- To begin with, you need to get rid of excessive sweating and clean the feet in general. For this it is necessary to prepare the hot water, and add a few drops of oil. The legs should be carefully washed, special attention must be paid to the fingers and nails. Do not skip any step of the skin during routine cleaning.
- The feet should be well dry with a clean towel. Subsequently, it is necessary to apply the dosed oil on all the nail plate and gently rub. Wait until the instrument is dried completely. At this time not to take any action, give the legs "breathe". For greater effectiveness, the oil should be applied on the skin around the nails.
The procedure with the application of tea tree oil is incredibly simple, but it requires regularity. The tool should be applied 2 times a day for about two months. Before any lesions on the scalp oil foot must be necessarily uses steam with warm water with the addition of substances.
The vinegar, the garlic, the peroxide — economic treatment options at home
For the treatment of nail fungus most often applied apple cider vinegar. Everyone knows that this solution perfectly disinfects and kills bacteria. In this way, to make the therapy of this tool it is possible to with a huge success, but you need to know some details of its use, namely:

- The vinegar must be natural;
- The vinegar is not used for the treatment of the fungus in its purest form, must be dilute;
- if you have overly sensitive skin or you are prone to allergic reactions, then the use of tools you better give up.
The good result of the vinegar gives in these variants:
- Bathroom — for the preparation of 2-4 cups of vinegar must be diluted in warm water. The procedure lasts order of 10-15 minutes. Be made at least 2 times a day for two weeks. In the following, the procedure is repeated 1 time every 3 days until complete healing.
- The Gadget — a wad of cotton or sponge soaked in diluted vinegar (1:2 ratio) and is applied to the physical nail. This type of body wrap set and keep the order of 20-30 minutes.
- Masi — demonstrate a good result of the complex to use other means. For the manufacture to take olive oil, glycerin and dimethylphthalate and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. The necessary ingredients to mix well. Apply an ointment for the treatment of the fungus, 2 times a day until complete disposal.
Garlic — fairly specific tool for the treatment of the fungus, which is suitable not for all and not for all. Helps better in a paste made of garlic. You must apply to the physical nail and strictly put a tent on the polyethylene for 1-2 hours. However, this tool is quite often causes burns and causes redness on sensitive skin. Get rid of nail fungus during the use of this method of treatment can be for 2 months.
The therapy for nail fungus hydrogen peroxide — convenient, that, unfortunately, does not always give meaningful results. This method of treatment is more preferable in the more early stages of the disease. For peroxide exactly it worked, the legs need to be pre-well steam with the help of warm water with the addition of sodium bicarbonate (1 liter) 1 teaspoon of substances). After each nail gently treat with peroxide. Repeat this procedure should be at least 2-3 times per day. It should be noted that the best efficiency of this method gives, in combination with other methods of therapy.
Resin apricot
Not many know that the resin apricot actually has useful and healing properties. Often, this substance can be found in places in the cortex it accumulates and solidifies in the form of small drops of transparent dark-yellow. The resin is a need to collect and neatly cut with a knife.
Resin is good to the mushroom, if used correctly. 1 tablespoon of substances insist in 250 ml of vodka within 3 days. Received the tool used for the lubrication of the nails that were affected by the disease.
Strong coffee

It has excellent healing properties. For the therapy of fungus only suitable for a true coffee beans. The soluble variant of this drink for the treatment is not suitable. For better efficiency, demonstrate a footbath at the base of the coffee beans.
Wheat ground coffee to prepare the fortress of fortezza. Wait until the water cools down a bit and lower your legs in the resulting solution. Resist need 10-15 minutes. Legs after the procedure is not clean, and wait for the complete absorption of the liquid and its drying. It carries out this treatment at least 1 time per day.
Novocaine pedal
You can stop the spread of athlete's foot in the early stages. For therapy, you only need to buy novocaine at the pharmacy and use it as a lotion on the affected area of the nail. A series of procedures allows you to get rid of the disease completely.
Only effective as soon as the initial stages of fungal infection. Iodine is necessary to lubricate the affected area on the nail plate. Excessive to participate is not necessary, as this tool is the negative impact on the skin. Adjacent fingers is recommended to lubricate with vaseline to avoid irritation.
Juice of celandine — aggressive of a substance capable of literally burning the fungus. You must use fresh plant, pre-lubricated the nails with hydrogen peroxide. If you are afraid of the burn, we recommend the use of oil of celandine, which can be successfully buy it in any pharmacy section.
Tricks to fight off the nail fungus on the feet
To combat the fungus quickly and effectively, you need to know some simple, but important rules:
- The washing of the feet. Before applying on nail medicine, the legs need to rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water and soap. After this necessary using steam step with the direction of a nail in more hot water for 5-7 minutes. This will allow healing tools to penetrate steam the fabric deeper. It is important to remember that the steam foot in hot water contraindicated in hypotension, varicose veins and high temperature.
- Care of the nail. It is very important to observe that, as the diseased nail grows. Because, as the nail plate will grow, you will need to cut. In this way, it is possible to ensure the maximum access for the medication to the damaged by fungus tissues.
- The treatment of the skin. The treatment requires not only a nail, but also of soft tissues, which you will find around. The treatment should be spread to 1 cm around the nail. Apply the medication should be carefully spreading to all the most inaccessible places.
- Timely recourse to the doctor. In particularly complex cases, when the fungus repeatedly returns, it is worth going to a doctor. Unfortunately, the treatment of this disease is not always possible alone. Also, some types of medications may simply not go, and to choose the medications most quite difficult.
- The care for the instruments. Performing a manicure or pedicure, and even cutting the nail sick, it's worth using only sterilized tools. These tools need to manage an antiseptic "before" and "after" of each procedure. In addition, manicure, scissors, pliers, and blades, which are in the care of the patient with the nail, it is necessary to keep strictly separated from the other manicure tools.

By following these simple rules, it is possible to cure the nail fungus, it is significantly faster.